Frequently asked questions
Primary Pet Care in a Nutshell
Looking after your pet’s basic need will not only result in a happier more content pet but will also save you money in the long term. It is a lot easier than sometimes imagined especially if you follow this simple formula:
Have your pets vaccinated
De-worm your pets
Apply flea control
Feed them a good quality, balanced food and take the dogs for a walk of course!
Tick and Flea Control Products
There is a confusing variety of parasite control products on the market. Here a summary of the more popular ones.
- Advantix topical treatment is for dogs
- Advantage topical treatment is for cats
Avantix– kills fleas the fastest, repels flies and mosquitoes and should be used every 3-4 weeks.
If dogs are fond of swimming or running around in long wet grass:
- Use Program tables as Advantix/Frontline will wash off.
- Capstar tablets can be used for temporary relief and is only effective for fleas
- Preventic/Seresto collars for ticks can also be used for dogs that get wet often.
- Dipping can also be done weekly.
When using topical treatments make sure you do not under dose especially on larger dogs. Flea control is not a once off treatment. There must be follow up treatments due to the fleas life cycle. If dogs seem irritated at the base of tail it is usually a flea issue.
Frontline Spray – Can be used on 1 day old puppies/kittens
Program plus is a tick, flea and de-wormer but not a de-wormer of Tapeworm
Dogs that eat a flea can get Tapeworm therefore also de-worm dogs 4-times a year with a good product like Milbamax.
New Tick and Flea Collar on the Market
s we get in to summer ticks and fleas start becoming more prevalent, especially here in the coastal regions. Fortunately a new alternative to topical treatments for flea and tick control that lasts 8 months is now available for those who forget to keep up with the monthly treatments.
Seresto® effectively kills fleas and repels and kills ticks. With eight months of continuous protection, Seresto® helps you avoid the hassle of remembering monthly applications. It is also odourless, non-greasy and easy-to-use.
The following parasites are targeted by Seresto:
REPELS and KILLS ticks for 8 months – if a tick is repelled or killed, it cannot attach to a dog and transmit organisms that may cause disease.
Kills fleas for 8 months
Kills chewing lice for 30 days (dogs only)
Aids in the treatment and control of Sarcoptic mange (dogs only)
For more info
Looking after your pet’s basic need will not only result in a happier more content pet but will also save you money in the long term. It is a lot easier than sometimes imagined especially if you follow this simple formula:
Have your pets vaccinated
De-worm your pets
Apply flea control
Feed them a good quality, balanced food and take the dogs for a walk of course!
What vaccinations should my puppy receive and when?
At 6 weeks of age – distemper measles and a parvovirus vaccine.
Again 3 weeks later against distemper, hepatitis, kennel cough, canine parvovirus and leptospirosis.
Combination vaccines are available and the exact programme will depend on the brand of vaccine the veterinarian uses.
Annually – Booster vaccinations.
What vaccinations should my kitten receive and when?
Kittens should be inoculated at 6 weeks of age. A simultaneous vaccination against snuffles, rabies and cat ‘flu can be administered. These vaccinations require a booster 3 weeks later and should be boosted on an annual basis.
Do I need to administer flea control all year round or just in summer when the fleas are really bad?
You should administer flea control all year round to break to flea breeding life cycle. You do not want to allow for a untreated window period for fleas to breed and lay eggs. One flea can lay thousands of eggs.
In summer the fleas seem out of control. What should I do?
Keep your pets on a strict flea control programme that takes into account your pet’s lifestyle. Keep bedding clean and bath your dogs weekly.