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Advantix Dog Large 10-25kg (Per amp)


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Quick Overview

Controls fleas and ticks on dogs within one day of treatment

Advantix Dog Large 10-25kg (Per amp)

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Controls fleas and ticks on dogs within one day of treatment and will continue to protect the dog from further flea and tick infestation for at least four weeks. Reinfestation from the emergence of new fleas and ticks in the environment may continue to occur for six weeks or longer after treatment is initiated. Retreatment at monthly intervals is required if reinfestation is continuous or if flea and tick control is desired. If re-treatment becomes necessary earlier than 4 weeks, do not retreat more than once weekly. NOT TO BE USED ON CATS.

Additional Information

34 Advantix
Pack size not specified
Pet Life Stage N/A
Online Shopping via this store is only available to residents in the Greater Durban & Pietermaritzburg area, including north to Ballito and south to Toti